Saturday, August 22, 2009

renewing vows...

today i got to go see my dear friend jenna renew her wedding vows! jenna is beautiful! the summer i met her was the best summer i had ever had and she talked about jason all the time... i went to high school with both of them. they were high school sweet hearts! college kind of separated them a little but they didn't let go of the LOVE that they had for each other!!! after many attempts at long distant dating they couldn't take it anymore and decided to get married about a year ago, with just their closest family members. it was important to both of them that the rest of their family was there so today they renewed their vows! their love is still STRONG! they had no issues with kissing! and were a blast! and the best part about it is their now expecting their first baby! i am so excited for them they will be awesome parents!!!!!!!! congrats guys!

i told she was beautiful;)


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